List of Tamil words in Dogrib language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Dogrib language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Tlicho language, also known as Tli?cho Yatiì or the Dogrib language, is a Northern Athabaskan language spoken by the Tli?cho (Dogrib people) First Nations of the Canadian Northwest Territories. According to Statistics Canada in 2011, there were 2,080 people who speak Tli?cho Yatiì. As of 2016, 1,735 people speak the language.
Tlicho Yatiì is spoken by the Tlicho, a Dene First Nations people that reside in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Tli?cho lands lie east of Mackenzie River (Deh Cho) between Great Slave Lake (Tideè) and Great Bear Lake (Sahtu) in the Northwest Territories. There are four primary communities that speak the language: Gamèti (formerly Rae Lakes), Behchoko` (formerly Rae-Edzo), Wekweètì (formerly Snare Lakes) and Whatì (formerly Lac La Martre). From a population number of about 800 during the mid-19th century to about 1,700 by the 1970s, the population has grown to about 2,080 as recorded by the 2011 Census. However, Tlicho Yatiì has seen a decrease in mother tongue speakers, hence placing it under the list of endangered languages.
The Tlicho region covers the northern shore of Great Slave Lake (Tideè), reaching up to Great Bear Lake (Sahtu). Behchoko`, is the largest community in Tlicho territory. According to the Endangered Languages Project, approximately 1,350 people speak the language while at home. Speakers are commonly fluent in English.

Ref; Tlicho Yatii Enihtle - A Dogrib Dictionary
Clues to read Dogrib words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
English- Dogrib- Tamil
*1.father- aba- appa
2.father- ata- thathai; thanthai
*3.grandfather- babacho- paappachchan/ father’s father; appan- father; achchan- father.
4.grandfather- babatso - appa udaiya achchan / fathers’ father.
*5.mother- ama/ mama- amma
*6.mother- ene- annai
*7.grandmother- mamacho- ammaachchi / mother’s mother; amma- mother; aachchi- mother/ grand mother
8.grandmother- mamatso- amma udaiya aachchi / mother’s mother.
* bebi- paappa pregnant /have a baby- bebia wetso – paapa undayida ;paapa- baby; undaayida- formed.
*11.becoming- adaade- aayida
*12.becoming- agode- aakida
13.became- agoja-aaka
*14.become- ati - aayida
*15.becoming- daahle- aayiduthal
16.there- akoo- ankkae ade -seithidu
18.go- ade -poaeidu
*19.say- adi /di -oaathu
*20.pound- aihda -idi
21.small thing- asii- sinna/ small
22.big knife- behtso- patta
23.tea kettle- chihto- satti /pot
*24.stumble- daekwih –thadukka blocked- daezah- thaduththida
26.temporary shelter of trees- daetoko- keeththu kottakai ; keeththu- reed; kottakai- shed/ cottage; letters are in reversed order.
* daghow- aduka/ to dance
* datla- aaduthal
*29.weigh oneself- daeda- edai idu ;edai- weight.
30.weighing scales- wedaedaa- edai thattu; thattu- pan.
*31.puddle- daehko- thaekkam ;thadakam .
32.float- daele- mithaththal
33.offering up- dayaka- padaikka
34. tie up- datil- mudi iduthal
*35.against- daa- ethuththu
36.stick /pole- dechi- thadi
37.yard measure- detsi -adi
*38.take- dayeetsi- - eduththidu
*39.take- ede- edu
*40.touch- dayeechi –thodu
41.touch with hands- yexelaedi- kaiyaal thodu; kai- hand.
42.hill top- daka- mukadu ; letters are in reversed order.
43.holy/ be clean – degai – thooimaiyaaka;thooimai- clean .
44.make a sound- dedi- oaasai idu ; oaasai- sound; idu- make.
45.make a sound- deekwo- oaasai iduka ; iduka- make.
*46.drip- dete- uooththa; sotta .
* thick/ liquid- detoo- thadiththa sleep- deto- adainthidu
*49.ring a phone- deli- adiththal /ringing
*50.pour into the container- deyiiyehtl – uooththuthal
*51.start blowing/ wind- detsi-adiththida
52.spit- deze- echchi thuppu ; letters are jumbled; echchi- spittle; thuppu- to spit. de- thinai ; thunya
*54.this- dii- ethu
* dii--thu
56.ripen- diidi- muththa dii- eppoathu stolen- deeti – eduththidu/ take; suttida calm- deeyeh- amaithiyaa
60.pool- degotia- thanni kuttai; thanni- water; kuttai- lake.
* dze- aatchchi
62.dawning- edaehka- vidika ; ka- va; va- ka.
63.suffer an injury- edaate- adi pada; adi- wound.
64.heart- edzee- ithayam
65.heat/ hot- ed- soodu
66.fever- edi- soodu
* drying- ego- kaaya
68.write- eetle- theettuthal
*69.paint things- eetle- theettuthal
*70.milk- ejietoo- suthai
*71.wound on an animal- ekaa- kaayam / wound
72.think bad thoughts- ekoo le aniwo- azhukku ennam ;azhukku- dirt; letters are in reversed order; ennam- thoughts. dirty- ekoo le gode- azhukku kathaippu / dirty talk; azhukku- dirt; letters are in reversed order; kathaippu- talk . ashamed- enedzo- naanam adaiya
* pretty- etaada- theeththi; thottimai/ beauty.
*76.kill- elayeehde- azhiththidu killed- eloode- azhinthida
*78.Stagg river- eneetii- unthi/ river; sinthu/ river ; nathi /river.
79.path- eto- paathai
80.trail- eto- thadam
81.extend- etonia –neettti; letters are in reversed order.
82.hold- eto- pidi
83.cut- eta- thundi
84.bake- ete- sudu
85.ghost- ezii- pisaasu
86.penis- gochia- kunju
* /speak- gode- kathaiththidu
88.drill / tool- godeh- kudaiya/ to drill
*89.story- godi- kathai godi - kathai ; sankathi .
*91.ear- godzii- kaathu
*92.hearing- godzii-kaettidu
*93.ear rings- godzii ke whelaa- kaathu- kku- valayam; kaathu- ear; valayam- ring.
*94.clothes- gohto- kuttai ; koadi / cloth .
* construct- gohtsi- kattu
96.arm pit- gogohtlo- kakkaththil ulla kuzhi ; kakkam- shoulder; kuzhi- pit.
97.arm- gogoo- kai ; mae-k-kai/ upper arm .
98.nose- goigho- mookku
*99.hand- goila- kaikal/ hands; kilai .
*100.ball- gohzhi- koalam confused- goizole- kuzhappam ; kalakkam.
* goidi – kdamai
103.heel- gokehta- kuthi kaal
104.goko- home- akam
*105.sweep an area- gokeeti- koottu /sweep
106.bone- gokwoo- akku
107.bracelet- golatsii ke whelaa- kai kalil aninthidum kai valaiyal ; kaikal- hands; kai valaiyal/ valayam - bangle/ bracelet
108.wart- golawoo- kazhalai / swelling
*109.eyeball- gonalii- kann koalam ; kann- eye; koalam- ball.
110.110.tears- gonati- kan thanni; kann- eye; thanni -water.
*111.tribe- gotii- kudi; koottam .
112.communion- gowaetaa- koodi kathaiththidu ; koodu- gather; kathaiththidu- converse .
113.while sleeping- gotso- keda /sleep
*114.testicles- goye- kaai / testis
*115.Sarah lake- goahti- kuttai / lake.
* goeti- kudi
117.Saddle lake- goloti- thanni kulakm ;thanni- water; kulam- lake. ; letters are jumbled; kulam kuttai .
*118.learn- hoghadeeto- kaththidu
*119.teach- hoghyeehto- kaththu kodukka ; letters are read more than once.
120.step forward- idea adi edu/ take a step; adi- foot; edu- take.
121.over the fire- idea- thee meethu ; thee- fire .
*122.listen- iikwo- kaekka
* flat- itoa- thattaiyaa
* ile- illai
*124.say that- kayehdi – kathaiththidu / say / speak
*125.go out- kaede- yaekidu /go
*126.go out- kaetle-yaekuthal /go
*127.pour out- kaetli- kootuthal
*128.water is pouring- ti kaetli- thanni kottuthal ; thanni- water.
*129.communities- kagoelaa- kulam ; kuzhumam .
*130.bite- kayehde- kadi
*131.throw out- kayehdla- kedaasuthal
* cut out- kata- kaathu
*133.have a lump- kaitso- katti/ lump visible- kegaati- kaana- k- koodiya
* ko- akam
* ko- kaam
* kogolaa- akalul / village ko – neekki; akkini.
*139.liquor- koti – kudi
140.liquor store- koti ko- kudi kidankku ; kidankku- store .
141.steamboat- kotsii- kadaththu/ boat
* kota- kudi ; kudam ; koattam ; kedi / village.
*143.wait- ka- kaakka
144.get better/ health- kaatii – kunamaayida
*145.Fort Chipewyan- kateti- koattai
146.Fort Good Hope- katso- koattai
147.see- keeti- kanndidu
*148.walk with a cane- keteeti- kai thadi /walking stick; thadi- stick; kai- hand.
149.slaughter each other- kelehxe- kolluka
150.kerchief- koehtsii- kai -k-kuttai
*151.arrow- ki- kanai
*152.birch bark basket- kito- koodai/ basket
*153.birch bark cooking pot- kito- kudam
*154.birch canoe- kiela- kalam/ boat
155.cave- kweyii- kukai
156.cast iron pot- kweto- kudam /pot
157.bullet- kwiitso- kunndu
158.leave- naeke- neenkka
159.walking back- naeda- nada/ walk
* nayea- unnu
161.poison- naediilii- nanju iduthal/ to poison- nanju- poison.
*162.think- naniwo- ennavum
*163.think- nanide- ennidu
164.idea- naowo- ennam
* long- need- nediya
* country- nde- naadu ne- munn
* ni- nee
169.when- de- eppoathu
* niilii- naalaa/ canal
* stretched out- niiti-neettu
*172.stop/ vehicle- nike- nikka
* put on- nita- aninthidu
*174.say- ndi- nodi
175.island- ndi- munn tittu ; munn- sand; thattu- patchy area .
* ndii- unndi
*177.burning- reko- erika fired- oede- sudu
arrive over water- taehke; thanniyae adaika ;thanni- water; adaika- arrive/ 179.reach .
180.split- tayeehdla- thundiththal
chop into pieces- tayeehka- thundu thundu aaka thundikka ; thundu- piece; 181.thundikka- to cut.
182.cut up- tayeeta- thundiththidu
183.dive -tetla- paaithal
184.put in water- teyele- thanniyil iduthal ;thanni- water; iduthal- put.
*185.cane- te- thadi
186.underwater- tee- adi thanni ;adi- under; thanni- water.
187.water- ti- thanni
188.lake- ti- madu/ pond; thattam .
*189.water flow- ti detlii- thanni oaaduthal ; oaaduthal- flowing/ running .
*190.door- tiida- thatti; thadai; thaotti.
191.water bucket- titoo- thanni thoandi
*192.with- weta- udan
193.water tank- titoo- thanni thotti ;thotti- tank .
194.wear out pants- yeyikao - anika /to wear
*195.wear- yetaat- uduththu
*196.wear clothing- yeyiiwheda- udai uduththu ;udai- clothe .
*197.wall- kogoetaa- kuttiyam
198.want- niwo- vaenum; letters are in reversed order.
199.weave- yeghah- neika
200.untie- dayege- avuththiduka
201.troubling- kiila- kuzhaiya; kilaesam .
*202.tie- koehtsi- kattu
203.thirsty – tighaewi- vaetkkai ; letters are jumbled; thaakam .
204.sun- sadee- sannddan
*205.sun is starting to set- sanadaaa – saainthida
206.tease- yekadaede- akadu sei
*207.teenage girl- teekoa- thoakai / woman / young girl
208.stay- tseke- thankku
*209.step into clothing- yeyieta- uduththu
*210.step out of clothing- yeyiikae- avukka
*211.step over- yeteetla- mithiththal
212.spring of water- dedatiiwii- uooththu thanni ; thanni- water; uooththu- spring.
*213.spill out- kayeede- koottida
214.something bad happens- esagode- kaedu adaiya ; kaedu nadakka ; letters are jumbled; kaedu- bad ;nadakka- to happen
215.Snare lake- wekweeti-kutttai / lake
*216.serve food- ne eedi – uoon idu; uoon- food; idu- serve. out- yekaeta- thaeduka; letters are in reversed order.
* timoeda- oattam edu; oattam- running.
219.sad about- yekeeli- kavalai; ka= va; va- ka.
220.river- deh – thuni; nathi ; unthi .
221.river- niilii- punal
222.ring / bell- detso- adiththida/ ringing
223.remove- kata- akaththu; kedu; neekkidu .
*224.pull- yeeli- izhu
225.boat- tsi -thoani ; oadam .
*226.prayer- yati- thuthi; oaathu.
227.panic- dehyeh – peethi adaiya; peethi- fear;adaiya- to have.
228.opening- ots odaa- oaattai
*229.not thick- deto lea- thadiththu illa ; thadiththa- thick; illai- not.
* good- nezi le- nalla illai ; nalla- good; illai- without.
*231.narrows- dikka- idukku; odukkidam.
231.Mazenod Lake- kwetsah ti- kuttai/ lake
*232.locked up- wedaeti- adaiththidu
*233.long- nende- neenda
234.long for- yeghaewi- yaenkka
*235.leave it- wede ko- vittu viduka ; letters are read more than once.
* on shore- toetla- adaithal
* on shore- taee- adaiya on shore- toete- adainthidu
239.head scarf- koohtsii- mukkaadu
*240.handle- yekalewo- kai aalvum / to handle
*241.give birth- bebia nihte- paappa eenida ; paapa- baby.
*242.give birth to- niyehte- eenida
*243.give food- ye ghaeedi- uoo kodu ; uoo- food; kodu- give. jar- ejato- saadi/ jar
245.Wejinne lake- Kweyii Ti- kuttai/ lake
*246.given- gogheeedi – koduththathu
*247.give- yeghayehte- kodu
248.get dirty /clothing- edzeh- thoosu adaiya ; thoosu- dust/ dirt .
*249.gather up- eghooyeeti- koottu
*250.feed- wedi – woottu
251.eyelid- gonawo- kann imai ; kann- eye.
*252.extinguish- nayehkwi – anaikka ehdayehte- maaththidu
254.dress / him – niyeedi – aninthidu /to dress car- yekedi – oaattuka; letters are in reversed order.
*256.done/ completed- kota- kedi
257.deaf- godzii while- kathu kaelaamai ;kaathu- ear; kaelaamai- hot hearing; kaathil vilathu ; letters are jumbled. .
258.count again- nayehta- innidu/ count
259.completely- deghaa- moththamaaka
*260.Contwoyto lake- koketi-kuttati/ lake.
*261.close- yedaio- adai
262.close by twisting- yedaehge- adaikka/ to close
263.chin- goeda- thaavan-k-kattai ; ka= va; va- ka; letters are jumbled.
264.catch- dayeetsi- pidiththidu
265.careful- kehoehdi- kavanaththoadu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*266.burning- deko- thee iduka/ to burn; thee- fire.
267.break up- todoa- udainthida
268.breast- too- madi ; thanam .
*269.bite- kayehde- kadi
*270.ask- kaedi – kaettidu
*271.zahko- igloo- kulam ; saikai .
272.keep in place- yehto- vaiththidu
*273.put on clothing- yeyietla- uduththuthal
* yekedi- kaaththidu
*275.shoot an arrow- yehta- yeithidu
276.look at- yeghaeda- kanndidu
*277.along the edge of- wedaghaa- wottukku
278.afraid of- yechaeji- achcham
279.ask for/ propose for marriage- yeeke- kaekka
*280.wipe- yedeedi- thudai
* yede—thuei ; letters are in reversed order.
* married- xoeti- kattu
283.Marian Lake village- Xaelii- kulam/ lake. dirty- whada goetso- uooththai kathaiththida ; uooththai- dirty ;kathaihtthidu- speak.
285.owning- wetso- udamai ; udamai aayida.
*286.very close to- wetaa- votti front of- wenadaa- munnaaadi
* wedii- uoottam
*289.rim- wedaa- vottu
*290.lip area- wedaa- uthadu
291.prevent- tsa- thadu
292.sawdust- tsole-thool
293.pole for boat- tsite- thanndu
294.Dogrib people- Tlicho gotii- thol kudi ;thol- ancint; kudi- tribe.
* si- isai
296.paddle- too- thuduppu ; maththu
* to- to- aduththa
298.milk- too- amutham; suthai.
*299.throw out- kadeyeezhi- kedaasu
300.get to be- adle- adaithal/ getting